Ricetta 27 - Brussel Sprouts à la crème - Colette's kitchen delights - by Graziella Martina

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           Brussel Sprouts à la crème
(serves 3)

500g  brussel sprouts
75g  cooked ham
2  glasses of cream
1  tablespoon of white flour

50g  grated emmenthal
50g  butter
Carefully peel and prepare the brussel sprouts, wash them and parboil them for 5 minutes in boiling salted water, then drain them. Melt the butter in a frying pan and brown the brussel sprouts.
    Add the ham, chopped up into very small pieces. Heat up the cream in a separate pan and thicken it with the flour. Arrange the sprouts in a greased oven-proof dish, pour the cream on top and finish off with the grated cheese.
     Put the dish into a preheated oven at 180°C/350°F to brown.
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