Antipasto - Ricetta 3 - Marinated Anchovies - Colette's kitchen delights - by Graziella Martina

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Marinated Anchovies
    (serves 4)

    600g  fresh anchovies
    the juice of 4 lemons
    salt and pepper

   a sprig of parsley finely chopped
   olive oil
Very carefully clean the anchovies, taking away the skin and the bones, then place them side by side in just one layer upon an oval, flat-bottomed serving dish. Sprinkle over the strained juice of the lemons and pour over a little oil. Leave to stand in a cool place for 24 hours. After twelve hours turn them over so that both sides are well-soaked. When it is time to serve them, move the anchovies onto a flat serving plate. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, parsley and dress with a little oil, which you can leave also on the table. Garnish the dish with wedges of lemon. Serve with aioli sauce.
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